ασύμμετρη βλακεία


Of ghosts and cats and pigs and bats with brooms and bats and wigs and rats That play big dogs like queens and kings and everyone plays drums and sings 'bout big sharks sharks sharp swords Beast bees bead lord Sweet cakes maste lakes
as said by
10:33 π.μ.
---on not working while at work ---
Today I singlehandedly shrank Greek GDP by 1% με την κωλοβαρεμάρα..
---on the Facebook 'like' function ---
wouldnt' it be nice if we could 'like' everything in the real world too?
---on the Pulp Fiction OST---
the bible of comforting music
---on guy x flirting really nicely and being all proper---
pfff what does he think, that life is like in the movies?
---on what to vote - elections 2009---
γαμησε τα ειναι όλα.. ειτε πασοκ, ειτε νδ, ειτε συνασπισμος πασοκ-συριζα.. greece is going to be IMF's bitch anyway..
---on his luck---
Murphy is an asshole.
---on software---
MS Word 2007 sucks the most of ALL MS sucky things
---on Michael Jackson' s death---
rumor has it his nose is still alive though..
---on gyros---
Athenian pitogyro me polla tzatzikia is like the definition of craving-for-dirty-food remedy. Idiws to tzatziki se kanei na ais8anesai kai poly yeah..
I dream of owning one day work by any of those artists.
Θέλει κανένας να μου πάρει δώρο? Ε? ε? :p
4 σχόλια:
Η βλακεία, ναι...
Δυστυχώς κυβερνούμαστε από βλάκες, που μας θεωρούν πιο βλάκες...
Δεν έχω λόγια...
Τη ίδια ακριβώς σκέψη έκανα κι εγώ (και άλλοι πολλοί μάλλον) με τη χθεσινή βροχή. "Πιο νότια δεν γίνεται;"
Και μιλούσα σήμερα με ένα καλό (πολύ καλό) φίλο στην Πορτογαλία. Πήγα κι αντέγραψα τη συνομιλία μας από το MSΝ, τι μου είπε. Ακολουθεί:
We heve been lucky this year... so far! I mean as far as it concerns fires...
Apart of criminal causes then you have to look to forest legislation, and invest on proper means to fight fires like that... I've seen that quite a lot and ... for your information that issue (fires) was a "hot" issue two yeras ago over hear because also there were elections...
stilll the government in power since then has made some significant investment on means of combat like airplanes, and quick response fire brigades... As a result I think that fires are more controlable nowadays... but still we haven´t had a proper summer this year. But the most important thing is civic culture and prevention.
Let me tell you: to clean the forest every winter is of major importance... (and the lands belonging to the nation state must give the example... to be followed by private land owners...) Then if you remember right in Finland before preparing a barbecue in your own garden you have to inform the local fire department! Ridiculous? No it is not!!!!
ε αυτό που λένε, common sense is the least common thing...εδώ τουλάχιστον
Εδώ ενοχλεί τους ίδιους σιγά σιγά, εμάς δεν θα ενοχλήσει η βλακεία; Καλημέρες :-)
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