Ο χρήστης mycket trol λέει:
hei, i am starting a blog
Ο χρήστης mycket trol λέει:
is it a lame idea?
Ο χρήστης Sleeping Sun λέει:
no i dont think so
Ο χρήστης mycket trol λέει:
yeah will see how it goes
Ο χρήστης mycket trol λέει:
still setting it up
Ο χρήστης Sleeping Sun λέει:
personally i dont feel the need to let everybody read what i'm up to every day
Ο χρήστης Sleeping Sun λέει:
but its very popular nowadays i believe
Ο χρήστης mycket trol λέει:
Ο χρήστης mycket trol λέει:
don t post yet
Ο χρήστης mycket trol λέει:
still need to finish up
Ο χρήστης Sleeping Sun λέει:
do i seem that enthusiastic to flood your blog straight away?
Ο χρήστης mycket trol λέει:
Ο χρήστης mycket trol λέει:
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